Lower School


Open the front door to Thompson Hall, home base for our Lower School, and the enthusiasm for learning and engaging with peers and teachers is undeniable among our 9 and 10 year old students. 

Fenn's Lower School offers an intimate and nurturing environment that helps boys of all backgrounds, abilities, and interests grow their self-confidence as students and individuals. Experienced faculty become trusted adults in the students’ lives as they support them across the school day from morning advisory and academic classes through lunchtime, recess, and arts and sports. They provide a bedrock of security, from which boys stretch to meet academic challenges and those they pursue outside the classroom when running for senate, starting a new club, or speaking at All School Meeting. Upper School Big Brothers are additional champions for our youngest boys.   

In the classroom, the Lower School curriculum spans language arts, mathematics, social studies, and science, and is complemented by an arts rotation of four courses each year and an hour-long sports block four days each week. The boys venture across the full campus during the school day,  relishing their newfound freedom. We demonstrate our trust in them, they answer the call to live by our mission of Sua Sponte, and we stand by with watchful eyes and listening ears to extend support when needed. 

Life in the Lower School

Building Foundations for Success
A spotlight on small-group team teaching

Within the Lower School program, the most significant amount of academic time is dedicated to language arts and the development of strong reading and writing skills. Language arts classes of 12-13 students meet every school day, and special “team days” also take place during the seven-day rotation of the Fenn schedule. For four hours in grade 4 and two hours in grade 5, smaller groups of 6-7 students assemble to receive individualized attention and instruction from their teachers. Students may receive additional support to bolster skills or “stretch” assignments if they are ready to push beyond the core curriculum. Teachers also create groups focused on specific tasks, such as essay development or analysis of a classroom text. 

Math classes also employ team teaching that enables students to divide into small groups based on their comfort levels tackling the math concepts of the day. Groups are fluid based on the evolving areas of study and the individual needs of the students.  

Executive function skill building is also a focus in the Lower School program. Students receive instruction on how to organize themselves, manage their time and workload, and participate fully in class—essential skills that benefit them across a lifetime of learning.

The experience in the Lower School sets boys up to make the leap more confidently into middle school. We help each boy create a path toward being a more independent learner.- Jonathan E. Byrd '76, Grade 5 teacher

Lower School Academic Curriculum